segunda-feira, 8 de maio de 2023

Human Body

Human Body

John: Hey, do you know anything about the human body?
Ei, você sabe alguma coisa sobre o corpo humano?

Sarah: Yeah, I've studied a bit of biology. What do you want to know?
Sim, estudei um pouco de biologia. O que você quer saber?

John: I was just curious about how many bones are in the human body.
Eu estava apenas curioso sobre quantos ossos existem no corpo humano.

Sarah: There are 206 bones in the adult human body.
Existem 206 ossos no corpo humano adulto.

John: Wow, that's a lot! Do you know what the largest bone in the body is?
Uau é muita coisa! Você sabe qual é o maior osso do corpo?

Sarah: Yes, the femur bone in the thigh is the largest bone in the human body.
Sim, o fêmur na coxa é o maior osso do corpo humano.

John: Interesting. What about the brain? How much does it weigh?
Interessante. E o cérebro? Quanto isso pesa?

Sarah: The average adult human brain weighs about 1.5 kilograms or 3.3 pounds.
O cérebro humano adulto médio pesa cerca de 1,5 kg ou 3,3 libras.

John: That's amazing. Do you know how long the small intestine is?
Você sabe qual o tamanho do intestino delgado?

Sarah: Yes, the small intestine is about 6 meters or 20 feet long.
Sim, o intestino delgado tem cerca de 6 metros ou 20 pés de comprimento.

John: That's incredible. I never realized how complex the human body is.
É incrível. Eu nunca percebi o quão complexo é o corpo humano.

Sarah: It really is. There's still so much we don't know about the body and how it works.
É realmente. Ainda há muito que não sabemos sobre o corpo e como ele funciona.

Tabela de Verbos encontrados no diálogo

Inglês Português
studied estudou
know saber
want querer
curious curioso
realized percebeu
include incluir
protects protege
connects conecta
break dividir
review revisar
memorize memorizar
recommend recomendar

Substantivos - Corpo Humano

Inglês Português
human body corpo humano
brain cérebro
nervous system sistema nervoso
spinal cord medula espinhal
skeleton esqueleto
muscles músculos
blood vessels vasos sanguíneos
organs órgãos
heart coração
lungs pulmões
liver fígado
kidneys rins
stomach estômago
intestines intestinos
eyes olhos
ears ouvidos
mouth boca
nose nariz
skin pele

domingo, 23 de abril de 2023

Job Interview I Want to Learn ESL

Job Interview I Want to Learn ESL

This example of a good job interview uses common interview questions and English conversation that is basic enough for intermediate English Language Learners to follow, with or without captions.

Este exemplo de uma boa entrevista de emprego usa perguntas de entrevista comuns e conversação em inglês que é básica o suficiente para alunos intermediários de inglês seguirem, com ou sem legendas.

Susan: Mary!

Susan: Hi! Hello! I'm Susan Thompson. Resource Manager.

Mary: Hi! I'm Mary Hansen and I'm applying for one of your kitchen jobs.

Susan: Great!

Mary: Here's a copy of my resume.

Susan: Great Mary!. Have a happy.

Mary: Thank you.

Susan: Mary, do you have any experience in the kitchen?

Mary: No, but I waqnt to learn. I work hard and I cook a lot at home.

Susan: Okay. Well, tell me about yourself.

Mary: Well, I love to learn new things. I'm very organized and I follow directions exactly. That's why my boss at my last job made me a trainer and the companhy actually gave me a special certificate for coming to work on time every day for a year and I'm taking a English class to improve my writing skills.

Susan: That's great. Why did you leave your last job?

Mary: It was graveyard and I need to work days.

Susan: Oh I see. Well, what hours can you work?

Mary: Hummm, from 8 am until 5pm.

Susan: Okay. Well, do you have any questions for me Mary?

Mary: Yes. What kind of taining is needed.

Susan: Not a lot most new workers can learn everything the first day. Do you have any other questions?

Mary: No. I don't thing so but I've heard a lot of good things abou your companhy and I would really like to work here.

Susan: Well, I have a few more interviews to do today okay, but I will call hou tomorrow if you get the job, okay? It was sure nice to meet you.

Mary: Nice meeting you too. Thank you so much for your time.

Susan: Yes. Good luck.

Mary: Thank you.